"All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth." - Chief Seattle

Monday, November 13, 2006

May We Help You Shop?


Image: A group of Help You Shop sales associates in Floyd, Virginia.

Help You Shop team members like these are speaking out in increasing numbers against "Unsustainable Bad Santa" and his evil colleagues, who are decimating the planet's resources in a very non-fictional way.


ideapark.org press release

for immediate release - november 13, 2006


Salespersons and associates at the ideapark.org happiness mill are looking to help the public shop for some affordable, low-stress, Earth-friendly ways to generate more happiness and enjoyment during the 2006-2007 Winter Giving Season.

These employees and friends of Sweetwater Market and Blue Mountain Organics are just a few of the folks who would like wish you a joyous harvest and winter season, along with a few cautionary words about the importance of sustainable resource use during the holidays.

If your church, school, or social organization would like to learn more about creating a customized paper-free catalogue to combat "Unsustainable Bad Santa" and his evil colleagues, please stay tuned to the ideapark.org news loop for news and announcements about this nefarious character.

Thank you for visiting the ideapark.org news loop, and thank you in advance for your stewardship.


related links

ideapark.org > sweetwater



suggested queries for this post - sustainable consumption