"All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth." - Chief Seattle

Monday, August 11, 2008



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hi everyone

here is a PDF link which includes statements from the Bank of America on their community impact as users and borrowers of financial and natural resources. It is well worth a read if you are looking to help secure our library a Gigantic Mortgage via this particular lending institution.

Resource extraction non-enthusiasts should read this corporate literature with a grain of salt, as Bank of America funds numerous ugly coal mining scenarios.


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Angels of Assisi in Roanoke

hi all,

here is a great link for folks in the Big Lick region who are passionate about the compassionate treatment of cats, dogs, and other domesticated creatures

the Angels of Assisi in Roanoke are wonderful folks who operate a clinic just down the street from the Roanoke City Courthouse. I visited the clinic as a volunteer walker for the first time just after my trial on July 30, 2008, in which I presented my defense against the Freedom First Credit Union.

I cannot recommend this site highly enough to people who are searching for evidence that The Man is nothing but a hungry ghost in a whore suit with a 0% chance of long-term success. It took just one tail-wag from my charge, Chuck, to completely wipe away all my illusions about the validity of the lending industry's control over Turtle Island. Imagine how great Chuck and I felt after our tour of the city!
