fuzzy searching
Dear Nantoka,
After a few minutes on the Internet, I feel kind of spacey and easily distracted. I can’t remember a thing.
What are some keywords I might use to learn more about the science behind this?
Henrietta Kittyson
201 Dogs on Trucks Boulevard
Colorado, Virginia.
Hi Henrietta,
There is no scientific proof yet that surfing the Internet rots your brain, but some interesting findings have been reported in this area.
Researchers have apparently found that performing a few relatively simple tasks on the Internet leaves the subject as incoherent as someone who is suffering from sleep deprivation. I can't remember who did the research, but there is a link somewhere in my notes.
Anyway... Fuzzy Searching might be a handy search term for you to start with.
Other good search terms might include information architecture, built-in obsolescence, overhaul, makeover, knowledge management, multitasking, variability, behavioral programming, noise, pattern recognition, and binary systems.
And for some general inspiration about the magic of design science, look up the Late Great Buckminster Fuller.
Surf safely!
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